Learning Platform

Introduction to the farm scale analysis (EROI)
Type: Presentation
Presentation of the Energy Return on Investment methodology to assess energy efficiency at farm scales.

Brochure (eng)
Enclosed you will find a brochure about the MA4URE project and in particular about the Living Lab in Tuscany (Italy), which was developed and used for a local event in May 2022.

Brochure (ital)
Enclosed you will find a brochure about the MA4URE project and in particular about the Living Lab in Tuscany (Italy), which was developed and used for a local event in May 2022.

Poster (eng/ital)
Please find attached a poster with a detailed description of the Italian Living Lab in Tuscany, which was established within the MA4URE project.

Decalogue brochure
Type: PDF
Brochure: Strategic elements to promote policies that favour the agroecological transition in the face of climate change in the Alt Penedès region

Type: PDF
Full document: Strategic elements for promoting policies that encourage agro-ecological transition in the face of climate change in Alt Penedès

Decàleg Fullet
Type: PDF
Fullet: Elements estratègics per a impulsar polítiques que afavoreixin la transició agroecològica davant del canvi climàtic a l’Alt Penedès

Decàleg Penedès
Type: PDF
Document complet: Elements estratègics per a impulsar polítiques que afavoreixin la transició agroecològica davant del canvi climàtic a l’Alt Penedès

Roll Up Project
Find attached the roll up for the presentation of the MA4SURE project

Roll Up Living Labs
Find attached the roll up for the presentation of the MA4SURE Living Labs

«Agroecology is a way of life!» Insights from the first local stakeholder workshop in the Spanish case study of the MASURE project
Type: PDF
Article on the first participatory stakeholder workshop in our Spanish case study in Catalonia (Alt Penedès region).

Integration of organic farming in the west Nile: Learnings from Dr. Alia Gana’s visit to Sekem’s living lab in Egypt
Type: PDF
Article on field visit to the SEKEM farm in Egypt